
GENERAL INFORMATION: Aspirin Desensitisation

What is OIT?

Oral lmmunotherapy is a procedure where a patient is given an increasing amount of allergen to eat or drink with the goal of increasing threshold for triggers. This is not a curative treatment and Epipen still needs to be carried by the patient.

How effective is OIT?

Peanut, egg and milk have been shown to desensitize 60-80% of patient’s studies. Desensitization is a state when a food allergy outcome is improved when the patient is exposed to an allergen. Desensitization requires ongoing exposure to the allergen. Sustained unresponsiveness can be achieved in 30-70% of cases but there it is likely that no permanent long-stand ing immunological changes occur. The literature suggests that the younger a child when they start OIT, the more likely they are to reach sustained unresponsiveness.

What is sustained unresponsiveness?

Sustained unresponsiveness is the state at which a patient can discontinue maintenance doses and the allergy will not return.

What is the side effects of OIT?

Most common side effects are in the gastrointestinal tract, this can be abdominal pain, vomiting, cramping. Eosinophilic Esophagitis(EoE) is a condition where allergy white cells called Eosinophils cause inflammation in the esophagus this can lead to difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, abdominal pain. EoE usually clears up if the OIT is stopped. Other side effects include wheeze, hives, itching mouth, anaphylaxis, stomach cramps, runny nose, itchy eyes.

What are the Steps?


Oral immunotherapy can be effective to reduce sensitivity to patients with IgE mediated food allergies. Safety is the most important factor and patients can react even after tolerating the same dose the day before. Adverse reactions can be unpredictable and unexpected that is why all factors that one can control is managed accordingly. Most adverse reactions happen during illness, exercise, or poor asthma control episodes.

What are the PRO'S CON'S AND RISKS

  • lf you’re familiar with the world of allergies, you are likely to have heard of someone who had immunotherapy or desensitisation to  cats, dogs, grass or even BEE venom allergy. But what exactly does it entail? Let’s take a closer look to find out.
  • The goal of immunotherapv is to help your immune system retains the memory of processing an allergen. ln doing so, it will continue producing the blocking antibodies preventing an allergic reaction, long after we stop the immunotherapy.


Oral immunotherapy (OlT) is when a trained Allergist or an allergy practitioner administers an allergic patient with incremental doses of the allergenic food. We do this to increase the patient’s threshold for triggers. Once we have reached a safe dosage, the patient will have to continue taking the same dose.

OIT is a viable option to treat peanut, tree nut, egg and milk allergies. According to medical studies, between 60% to 80% of patients have been treated effective

Although oral immunotherapy can be lifesaving and enhance a patients quality of life, we must approach it with caution. This may never be attempted without medical supervision at home or with an inexperienced practitioner. The outcome can be fatal. lt is also advisable to keep an Epipen at hand in the event of exposure to allergens that we did not cover in the therapy.

  • ln my previous blog post, I explained the similarities and differences between immunotherapy and desensitization. But to recap: lmmunotherapy is when we deliberately expose a patient to a protein of the substance, he or she is allergic to. We tend to start at 1/100 OOOth of dosage, and then gradually escalate to a higher dose.
  • Desensitization is more temporary. lt achieves a state of “tolerance”, where the body is “trained” to handle exposure to a specific allergen in the short to medium term. When a patient undergoes desensitization, the allergen must be given either for the period it is needed. For example, we can desensitize a patient who is allergic to Penicillin during an infective episode. Once we stop the incremental exposure to the allergen, the patient is likely to become allergic to it again.


The most common side effects of OIT tends to happen in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients might experience abdominal pain, cramping or vomiting. One of the side-effects is known as Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE), a condition where white allergy cells called Eosinophils cause inflammation in the esophagus. This reaction can lead to difficulty in swallowing, vomiting and abdominal pain. EoE usually clears up once we stop the OlT.

Other side effects include wheezing, hives, an itchy mouth, and anaphylaxis

lf you would like to know more about oral immunotherapy and how it might be able to make a difference in your life, feel free to contact us to set up a consultation

Pricing Structure:


Consultation and Risk Assesment: 



FOOD SKIN PRICK TEST: R977.50 (Incl Vat)

  • s-lgE/ Components / CAST/ IgG4
  • Skin pricks tests inhalants; foods
  • Lung function
  • Educate: Spacer, Peak flow, Anaphylaxis action plan
  • Training: Epipen
  • Contact numbers Dr McDonald and team
  • Diary
  • Documentation in flip folder
  • BLOODS: s-lgE, Components, rAkraH2/rAraH1, lgG4


  • Contract
  • Educate: Spacer, Peak flow, Anaphylaxis action plan
  • Training: Epipen
  • Confirm cell numbers
  • Appointment card/record
  • Build up phase form – in file

Consultation: R747.50 (Incl Vat)

Consultation: R747.50 (Incl Vat)

Lung Function: R747.50 (Incl Vat)

  • Skin prick test peanut
  • s-lgE
  • Component
  • Lung function
  • CAST

The Allergy Clinic

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